Wednesday, 21 January 2015

A Reflection

And then he ran……

The last sentence.

I dreamed about it every day. I think about it before I go to sleep. And as I marvel upon everyday life, I realised how profound this book is to me. As we progress in our daily life, and as we make mistakes that are sometimes forgivable, sometimes not, we begin to move towards happiness or happiness? Happiness we yearn for, want to earn. It is one of the few elements that bind us together, with love.

But going back to the mistakes, the mistakes I make, people make. Time heals everything, they say. Who is they, I sometimes wonder? But can time heal a broken heart? A broken soul? Something even science can’t seem to measure and give in quantitative or qualitative amounts. The mistakes Amir makes….

Amir, and the mistakes. And Hassan.

Two boys of the same kind,
Two contrasting personalities,
Two back stories,
One father.

The missing ingredients at the very moment Hassan got raped in a back alley in Kabul after the “successful” kite competition for Amir was courage. Or loyalty. Or bravery. Or heart. Whatever you call it, if any of these are present at that very moment, the story would have unravel in another opposite direction. Maybe if Hassan wasn’t just another Hazara, Amir would’ve ran up and tackled the rapist.

Maybe is a really interesting word. It resembles a reflection of thought. But like all thoughts, it only resembles a thought, an imagination IF not put into action.

 But, as I see how Amir grows with this heavy guilt he cannot throw of his own shoulders, I concur we all have this guilt within us. Stated earlier, we all make mistakes, whether we like it or not. Some guilt bearable, some not. It’s how we deal with situations that matter that matters.
And as the steps Amir took in his life became more impactful, so was that guilt.

I won’t go on rambling about the story anymore….but what I am trying to say is this.

Live life with kindness, simplicity and a lot of heart. Be as loyal and faithful towards beliefs you believe in like how Hassan is to his Amir.
And maybe, just maybe, the happiness in life we all yearn and want to earn for is a tad bit closer.

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